馃殌 Situado junto al libro "Sailing alone around the world" encontramos otro libro no ficticio (existe en nuestro mundo) y esta vez de ciencia ficci贸n:  Omega, libro del 1894 escrito por  Camille Flammarion

馃殌 Camille Flammarionfue un astr贸nomo franc茅s conocido por sus obras de popularizaci贸n de la astronom铆a.

馃殌 La publicaci贸n original en su edicio edici贸n inglesa llevaba la coletilla "The last days of the world". La primera versi贸n, en franc茅s, no llevaba el "omega".

馃殌 Omega nos narra la historia de c贸mo en el siglo 25 un cometa podr铆a impactar sobre la Tierra y como esa posibilidad comienza a causas grandes efectos en las sociedades, culturas que colapsan y con ello cambios en el mundo.

馃殌  Sin贸psis de una edici贸n en ingl茅s: 
"Omega, written by astronomer Camille Flammarion (1842-1925), is no less than an epic history of our future-a startling and unforgettable vision of the end of the world. Reasoned scientific speculation combined with probing philosophical inquiry lend credibility and magnitude to this tale of how humankind will physically and culturally evolve over the next several million years. 

The end begins in the twenty-fifth century, when a comet threatens to collide with the earth. The consequences of that frightening cosmic event are far-reaching, setting in motion a series of physical, psychic, and social changes that will profoundly affect the planet and its people far into the future.

The earth's surface drastically transforms over time. Cultures radically alter, collapse, and fade away. Nations rise and fall, species become extinct, and human beings find themselves at the end of the world, alone and changed in fundamental ways. 

This melancholic, poetic science fiction tale of things to come is as compelling and disturbing today as when it was first written. Camille Flammarion was a well-known French astronomer and writer who popularized science in the late nineteenth century."

馃殌 Llama la atenci贸n como de momento, como lectura en Constellation tengan 2 libros del siglo 19, uno de un explorador Nv Dios y otro de mandar el mundo a tomar por saco. Mi especulaci贸n: la Tierra est谩 en ruina en 2330 (digamos inundada) y seremos capaz de visitarla, para nada por su estado actual.

馃殌 Fuente.


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