01馃殌If your character is arrested by the authorities, you will be brought to court. 

馃ЛYou are deemed arrested when you are injured while the authorities are after you

馃ЛIt will also count as being arrested if you injure yourself when falling from a rooftop, take sun damage when you are a vampire, etc 

02馃殌The crimes you can be accused of at court are listed in The Daggerfall Chronicles. 

馃ЛHowever, the Chronicles lack information on the more obvious crimes like pickpocket or murder

馃ЛIt also does not mention a formula, or anything similar, to work out how long your character will be imprisoned for if found guilty

03馃殌If you are found guilty, you will lose regional reputation according to the table and be imprisoned for a certain amount of time

馃ЛThe more severe the crime, the longer you will stay imprisoned

馃ЛWhile imprisoned, your character's skills will decrease over time

04馃殌Characters with a high Streetwise skill may lie to get out of court without harm

馃ЛA high Etiquette skill may help to debate one's way out of court

馃ЛMembers of underworld factions like the Thieves Guild or the Dark Brotherhood may have means to bribe the court for certain crimes

05馃殌 If your regional reputation is too low, guards will appear every time you enter a settlement. There are two ways to fix this:

馃ЛWait until your reputation has returned to zero. As with all other forms of reputation, regional reputation regresses to the default value of 0 by a single point every in-game month.

馃ЛRestore your regional reputation by doing quests. There are three quests in the game that can be used to improve regional reputation:The Escort, Smuggling, A Mix-Up


06馃殌Reputation is the most important influencing factor in the game. Your reputation determines...

馃Лwhich people will talk to you, which quests you can get from a Faction
馃Лinfluence goods and services transactions
馃Лand if your Skills are high enough, whether you can receive a promotion within the factions you have joined.

馃ЛThe reputation you can have with a faction or person can vary from -100 to 100, and starts for most factions and people at zero at the beginning of a new game.

馃殌 Conclusiones:

馃Л Todd Howard hablaba de volver a lo de antes en cuanto hardcore, siendo Daggerfall lo m谩s complejo en "n煤meros" que ha hecho Bethesda al ser un juego muy basado en sistemas, pero hasta el punto de retomar el sistema judicial de Daggerfall no s茅 si m谩s bien prefieren reservarlo para Elder 6, un juego de escala m谩s peque帽a, por su naturaleza, que Starfield donde ya han metido muchos sistemas 


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