🚀 Partimos de estas declaraciones de Todd Howard sobre los "números" para pensar en Daggerfall como referencia:
🎲TODD: A lot of us have been doing this for a long time together. And it's nice with Starfield to go back to some things we didn't do. The backgrounds, the traits, defining your character, all those stats.
I think there's so many games now that do those things that people are ready for something that does a lot of the things that older hardcore RPGs, something we used to do, doing those again in a new way.
🎲Todd: The skill system [in Skyrim] is really, really like the skill system in Starfield, and it follows a bit from things we’ve done in Fallout and Elder Scrolls
🎲Todd: “It's also a bit more hardcore of a role playing game than we've done. It's got some really great character systems – choosing your background, things like that.
We’re going back to some things that we used to do in games long ago that we felt have really let players express the character they want to be. So I think when you see it being played, you would recognise it as something we made.”
01🚀 Listado Skills Daggerfall
"Streetwise is a skill checked whenever one attempts to be blunt, colloquial, or otherwise informal in conversation."
"Etiquette is a skill checked whenever one attempts to be polite, deferential, and charming in conversation."
"Mercantile is a skill checked whenever one enters into negotiations with a merchant, attempting to buy or sell an item at the best possible price."
"Pickpocketing is a skill automatically checked whenever one attempts to steal an item off a person or shelf without being detected."
"Lockpicking is a skill automatically checked whenever one attempts to pick the lock on a door or a chest."
"Medical skill is automatically checked whenever one rests, allowing one to diagnose minor injuries and illnesses."
"Stealth is a skill which allows one to avoid the attention of a hostile creature. It is automatically checked at every encounter."
"Swimming is a skill automatically checked whenever one encounters water to see how fast one can swim, how fatigued one gets while swimming, and how long one can stay underwater."
"Climbing is a skill checked whenever one attempts to scale a wall or a steep incline. It is continually checked until one is on level ground again."
"Dodging is a skill checked before one is struck by an enemy's weapon or spell."
"Jumping is a skill checked to determine the height and distance one is capable of leaping."
"Running is a skill automatically checked whenever one begins to run, to check the possible speed."
"Alteration refers to the School of Alteration, one of the six avenues of magical study. This school is concerned with magic's ability to change the very structure and composition of objects. Dimunition and Shield are two classic Alteration spells."
"Thaumaturgy refers to the School of Thaumaturgy, one of the six avenues of magica [sic] study. A Thaumaturgical spell does not change the appearance or structure of a force or object, but can manipulate laws temporarily, as evident in such spells as Levitate and Detection."
"Destruction refers to the School of Destruction, one of the six formal avenues of magical study. Destruction spells are those with a primary purpose of causing damage to a target, such as Fireball or Acidic Field."
"Illusion refers to the School of Illusion, one of the six avenues of magical study. Illusion spells are capable of camouflaging, illuminating, or obscuring objects, as the spells Invisibility and Light demonstrate."
"Mysticism refers to the School of Mysticism, one of the six avenues of magical study. Mysticism is the most arcane school, and the spells created by its application are as varied as Far Silence and Soul Trap."
"Restoration refers to the School of Restoration, one of the six avenues of magical study. Any healing spell such as Cure Poison and [sic] Troll's Blood hails from Restoration."
Archery is the skill governing one's ability to hit targets and cause damage using a bow and arrow."
"Axe is the skill automatically checked whenever one uses a battleaxe or a waraxe on a target."
"Backstabbing is a skill checked whenever a target is struck from behind. It is easier for a person proficient at this skill to hit a target from behind. It is also probable that more damage will be dealt with a well-delivered backstab."
04🥛Blunt Weapon-Strength
"Blunt Weapon is a skill checked whenever one strikes a target with a heavy, blunt weapon such as a mace or a staff. Proficient Blunt Weapon specialists have a greater chance of hitting and cause more damage with each blow."
05🥛Critical Strike-Agility
"Critical Striking is a skill checked whenever one has successfully struck a target. A target that receives a successful Critical Strike suffers withering, often fatal, additional damage."
"Hand-to-Hand is a skill checked whenever one attempts to strike a target with a punch or a kick."
07🥛Long Blade-Agility
"Long Blade is a skill checked whenever one attempts to strike a target with a long-bladed, slashing weapon such as a claymore or a katana."
08🥛Short Blade-Agility
"Short Blade is a skill checked whenever one attempts to strike a target with a short-bladed stabbing weapon such as daggers and tantos, to determine the aim and damage possible in a strike."
"Centaurian is a language skill checked whenever one tries to talk with a Centaur." The skill check occurs when coming within range of a Centaur. If successful, the creature will be non-hostile (will not attack unless provoked).
"Spriggan is a language skill checked whenever one attempts to speak with a Spriggan." The skill check occurs when coming within range of a Spriggan. If successful, the creature will be non-hostile (will not attack unless provoked).
"Orcish is a language skill checked whenever one attempts to speak with an Orc." The skill check occurs when coming within range of an Orc. If successful, the creature will be non-hostile (will not attack unless provoked).
"Nymph is a language skill checked whenever one attempts to speak with a Nymph." The skill check occurs when coming within range of a Nymph. If successful, the creature will be non-hostile (will not attack unless provoked).
"Impish is a language skill checked whenever one attempts to speak with an Imp." The skill check occurs when coming within range of an Imp. If successful, the creature will be non-hostile (will not attack unless provoked).
"Dragon is a language skill checked whenever one attempts to speak with a dragon." The skill check occurs when coming within range of a Dragonling. If successful, the creature will be non-hostile (will not attack unless provoked).
"Harpy is a language skill checked whenever one attempts to speak with a Harpy." The skill check occurs when coming within range of a Harpy. If successful, the creature will be non-hostile (will not attack unless provoked).
"Daedric is a language skill checked whenever one attempts to speak with a daedra, such as a Fire Daedra or a Daedra Lord." The skill check occurs when coming within range of a Daedra. If successful, the creature will be non-hostile (will not attack unless provoked).
"Giantish is a language skill checked whenever one attempts to speak with a Giant." The skill check occurs when coming within range of a Giant. If successful, the creature will be non-hostile (will not attack unless provoked).
02🚀 Clases y ventajas/desventajas
🎲 En Daggerfall hay 18 clases que vienen determinadas por Ventajas y Desventajas (como las traits de Fallout), el reparto de puntos según habilidades primarias, secundarias, terciarias, así como la velocidad de subida de las skills. Luego el background, de manera similar al New Vegas, era responder a ciertas preguntas para determinar las bonificaciones a skills
🎲 Daggerfall es el ejemplo de Skills que hacía mucho que no usaba BGS, llegando a tener 2 skills para persuadir y muchas otras para "Deportes"🎲 Las clases eran más relevantes por las ventajas/desventajas🎲 Las armas no tendían a agruparse en pocas skills, por lo que axe y blunt weapon iban aparte🎲 En base a lo visto, vamos a especular con que contará con estas Skills
🥛Small Weapons
🥛Long Weapons
🥛Heavy Weapons
🥛Melee Weapons
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