🚀 Tiago Tex Pine, analista de datos de BGS Montreal.


🚀 Esto que pondré ahora es una presentación sobre Machine Learning que dio Tiago en 2018 donde habla de herramientas para mejorar tu juego basándose en datos a recoger de los usuarios.

🚀  Principalmente son recursos para juegos servicio que implican tener al jugador con motivación suficiente para jugar durante meses y meses, lo cual encaja porque en BGS Montreal llevan Elder Scrolls Blades, y aparte está Fallout 76 como juego en el que participó todo BGS. 





🧭 Hay aplicaciones que no son exclusivas de juego servicio al uso y encajan en Starfield:
🕹 Mejora IA enemiga
🕹 Ayuda en QA mediante bots
🕹 Ayuda en medición progresión y economía del juego mediante bots
🕹 Mejora IA NPCs a la hora de reaccionar


🧭 De nuevo, aplicaciones potenciales para Starfield:
🕹 Creación de contenido procedural, como diseño de niveles 
🕹 Equilibrar economía del juego
🕹 NPCs reaccionan de manera más natural

🚀 Conclusiones:
🧭 Antes que nada hay que tener en cuenta que Pete Hines (Vicepresidente BGS) considera los Rpgs de BGS juegos servicio en sí mismo por el largo soporte que reciben (incluyendo también el soporte a mods)
🧭 A su vez se sabe por Todd Howard que Elder 6 está diseñado para jugarse durante una década y que Starfield (sin decir tiempo) también tenía un diseño para jugar durante mucho tiempo
🧭 Tengamos en cuenta como la monetización en los RPGs de BGS ha ido incrementándose hasta el punto de tener una tienda digital a día 1 con micropagos
🧭 Con todas estas promisas y viendo el contexto de la industria donde los micropagos son una fuente enorme de ingresos, Starfield apunta a tener una monetización pensada de antemano a largo plazo pues a efectos prácticos es un "free to play" por el efecto gamepass

🧭 Ya hemos visto aplicaciones de Machine Learning en cuanto a IA, balanceo de economía que encajarían en Starfield
🧭 Ahora tengamos en cuenta declaraciones de Todd Howard sobre tema mejora de IA, procedural:

🕹Todd Howard: What works best, I think, are situations and characters that are very reactive to what you’re doing in the moment. I think we can write down stories the player will experience over the course of the game, which for a quest line can end up being 10 or 20 hours. But I think some of that gets lost in the minute to minute. So we found over time that what helped was having the characters be as reactive as possible. Having other characters that are also doing heroic things like you are, or commenting on your actions, is a good thing, and we can do more of that." TIME, 28 DE OCTUBRE 2016

🕹Todd Howard: "Open world games have gotten more popular, so we have to think about creating the kinds of interactivity that make you feel like you're really in that world. We want to avoid activities that feel too 'gamey' and that take you out of the story." POLYGON, 22 DE FEBRERO 2017

🕹Todd Howard: "I think we have a very long way to go in how the other characters act and react to you. That's the big issue we're trying to solve. We're pretty good at pushing technology and world building. We have a good handle on game flow, the rate you get new things, how you're rewarded over time. But we need to be innovating on [characters].” POLYGON, 22 DE FEBRERO 2017

🕹Todd Howard: We’ve tried some of it. We haven’t had great success there. I will say that the technology for the radiant story system in Skyrim is phenomenal. It has the pebble-in-the-lake rings. You can do a lot of great stuff with it. We tried, and then we pared it back. I think the technology is there for it, without a doubt. It’s having the design to do that. Ken Levine is somebody I know well. He’s in the best position to crack that. I hope he does."  GAMELAB, 4 DE JULIO 2018

🕹 Todd Howard:(Sobre la evolución de la IA en videojuegos en los próximos años) "I think that's the part of gaming that's gonna make the biggest jump. I think the graphic fidelity most people react to instantly they're looking at a screenshot or a video but there's some laws of diminishing returns, there's things start looked better and better and better and better but as far as how a game feels the other characters in the AI, you know, I think a lot of people including us have struggled with how do you make that feel real and now that you can move some of that processing to the cloud neural that's other things I think that's the part where it's going to get significantly better over the next generation [... ] (pone un ejemplo con NPCs) reacting to things that you did in a more realistic manner the more reactive to what you're doing or the situation around them, you know, the curb problem is that you get that in a video game all the time."  E3 2019 TODD HOWARD TEAM UP ELLON MUSK, 13 JUNIO 2019

🕹Todd Howard: (Sobre tema a mano y procesural en creación de mundos) "We want to spend our time handcrafting the things that you can tell are handcrafted whereas nature – computers can do a good job at putting trees and rocks and making landscape around that you can massage."

"So we want to make sure for the scale of our development and our team that we’re touching the things that are most important. If we can use procedural systems to generate content that keeps the game kind of everlasting then that’s what we want to lean on."

"We went away from it for a while and then we’ve been coming back to it over time. We like to experiment each game with somewhat procedural stuff and then when it’s not working out, we go in and touch it."

"The stuff we're doing now, we're pushing procedural generation further than we have in a very long time with the stuff that's coming up" DEVELOP BRIGHTON, 2 DE NOVIEMBRE 2020

🕹 Todd Howard: (Respecto a cosas a meter en Skyrim con hardware next gen que antes era imposible) "Probably just the amount of NPCs in there, obviously you get fidelity right so the graphics will be better but whatever the amount of NPCs and the feeling of the other people in Skyrim and how they react to you. The cities are in your mind like you've been to Whiterun and that's this big city but it's not and maybe there's 20 people walking around total. That’s probably the main thing where the hardware and those kind of things get you but by then we had gotten pretty good with our technology and streaming and those kind of things where we were able to throw a lot of stuff coming in the world."  DEVELOP BRIGHTON, 2 DE NOVIEMBRE 2020

🕹 Todd Howard: "There are a number of parts of [Skyrim] where we don't go deep enough, where it's a veneer in terms of its interactivity. [...] When we think about games and what we would want to do going forward, it's okay... whatever that system is... how deep can we make it? The other thing is how AI and NPCs interact with you. That's something I think we still have a long way to go with." IGN, 9 DE NOVIEMBRE 2021
🧭 En dichas entrevistas confirma el salto en tema procedural, así como preocupación por IA NPC desde 2016 y el uso de redes neuronales, apostando a que el salto mayor en next gen vendrá por IA

🧭 Si tenemos en cuenta estas premisas, así como el nuevo sistema persuasion y que la IA de Oblivion nunca se llegó a completar, apunta que el trabajo del Analista de Datos ha tenido influencia en Starfield  


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